This guide will show you, how to get and use your private islands to farm and make profit with food and potions.
Your private island is your heart and soul to begin your journey to making money.
Yes. But only for your first level. You can get that by either paying with real life money for at least 7 days, or you can earn silver by in game means and buy 30days with of premium with that silver.
No you don't.
Please check the guide on Access Rights for details on how to do it.
By pressing H on your island you can place down a farming plot. All you need are some T1 logs and T1 stone to finish it.
On the farming plot you can grow crops only. Herbs need a herb garden (see here )
By pressing H on your island you can place down a farming plot. For the herb garden you need some refined materials too.
On the farming plot you can grow herbs only.
By pressing H on your island you can place down a pasture. You can place most of the herbivores in there to raise them.
By pressing H on your island, you can place down a kennel. All carnivores and some herbivore mounts need to be placed there and fed regularly.
This is my personal experience. I did not follow any specific guides, I just did what I do.
Step 1: Get premium.
Step 2: Get Carrots, and start raising chicken.
Step 3: use the carrots to feed the chicken, get the eggs from the chicken and sell them on the market.
Step 4: Repeat step 2-3
This way you can make a solid little income to level your skills to reach higher levels.
Usually you make enough money to buy the carrots seeds to replenish your losses in terms of seeds.
Cooking is the next step to increase your income from farming.
On the main guild island in the east corner you will find the cook.
You want to bring your raw products there and then transform them into useful food.
Highly sought after is Cabbage Soup, the universal food to feed the crafting and refining stations.
The various Pies are useful for gatherers.
Omelets help magic users.
If you make the raw materials yourself, you automatically make profit.
Your best friend will be a dedicated fisher. Buy the catch from the fisher and the seaweed. Butcher the fish not used in recipes and turn it into fishsauce. With the sauce you can make a more potent variant of the food and sell it for a higher price.
Potions are very important for survival in PvP.
Like with cooking you can have a lot of different variants.
You can find the alchemist in the east corner of the guild island, next to the cook.
Beside a lot of herbs, you will also need quite a lot of different crops and animal products to craft the various potions.
Resistance and Invisibility potions are often used for additional armor or escaping dangers.
Your best friend will be the hunters of the beasts. The animal remains will be used to enhance your potions to be better versions.
Also some special potions also require these parts.